Specialised POS Printers for your Business needs
POS printers (Point of Sales) are used in points of sales for the printing of receipts, which are usually found in supermarkets, shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. in which speed and reliability are necessary at all times.
HGRT POS Printer
3″ Thermal POS Printer
- 250mm/s high printing speed
- 2 in 1 interface including ethernet and USB
- Provide Windows/Linux Driver
- Support Page mode printing

Let us partner with you to save your money
Basawa has the Best POS Receipt Printers with easy to use features, fast printing speed and superior reliability

Why Basawa?

Easy-to-use interface
Feature, Rich,

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We track +50k Assets

Reliable Solutions
Battery prediction, No Data loss
Our Trusted Organisation

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Basawa Technologies Ltd provides a platform for access to AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) and related products. It provides Barcoding based solutions to various Retailers, Traders, Manufactures and Distributors.